WinterSea FAQs

  • On what kind of work does WinterSea focus?

WinterSea focuses on classical works done in new ways, new works and the yet-to-be created.  The piece is not as important as the creativity brought to it and the process that arises.  WinterSea  particularly focuses on performance art as opposed to traditional theatre.

  • What is “performance art” and why does WinterSea focus on this?

WinterSea sees performance art as the artful weaving of music, theatre and movement in non-traditional ways with the purpose of reaching the heart-center of the artist and the audience.  WinterSea believes that the messages often underlying artistic expression of art best touch our humanity and find resonance when approached in this creative way, bypassing our thinking self, exciting our senses, and interacting with our inner feeling self for lasting impact.

  • Can young people be involved in the happenings of WinterSea?

WinterSea very much believes in the cultivation of young people as creative artists and in intergenerational creative exploration. Whenever there is an appropriate project, young people are encouraged to partake.  Not all Winter’s Sea projects are appropriate for young people. Those that are not are clearly identified as such.

  • Is WinterSea a year-round theatre company?

Not in the traditional sense.  Because WinterSea does not concentrate on the production side of theatre, it has no regular calendar.  It does, however, aim to cultivate artists and performance art year-round by keeping a library, offering workshops on acting, and creating spaces where the creative juices of performance artists can soar.  Most of the active creation of WinterSea happens from November to May.

  • Does WinterSea do theater productions?

Sometimes.  While WinterSea sometimes sponsors a touring production, this is not the focus of WinterSea.  Instead, WinterSea focuses on experiments and workshops developing the artist that will perform with other theatre groups and the creative idea that will become a production.  

  • Where does Winter’s Sea hold its experiments, workshops and productions?

WinterSea calls the coast of Dyer Harbor in Steuben its home and resides at Maple Shores Cottage Retreat from late October to late May each year.  WSTE Jam Sessions are hosted virtually and sporadically at present.

  • Is WinterSea a community theater?

Not in the traditional sense.  While WinterSea often includes community members in its experiments and arises out of the artists of the community, it is not focused on this type of outreach.  It is a community theater in the idea that it is dedicated to serious artistic experimentation – and out of those experiments the community is enriched.

  • Can anyone join WinterSea?

Not in the traditional sense. WinterSea is not a “group” or an “ensemble”.  In fact no one “belongs” to WinterSea.  It is a place and a concept dedicated to broad theater experimentation, the birthing of performance art and the cultivation of artists.  Ideas and creative projects can join WinterSea, not people.

  • Is the WinterSea library open to anyone?

Yes.  The WinterSea library is an open lending library.  If you are interested in borrowing anything, e-mail [email protected] with what you would like to borrow and whether you would like to pick-up or have the items mailed.  You may borrow any item for a four-week period. You are responsible for mailing charges from and to the library.  No other charges apply.

  • Can I make a donation to the WinterSea lending library?

The WinterSea lending library welcomes donations of any theatre or performance art titles.  If you have something you would like to donate, please e-mail [email protected] 

  • How can I stay informed about what Winter’s Sea is doing?

That’s easy.  To join our mailing list, e-mail [email protected].  Send your mailing and e-mail address, and you will receive advance notice of Winter’s Sea workshops, experiments and productions.  Also, visit the Winter’s Sea website  and FaceBook page anytime for an up-to-date listing of happenings.

  • How can I get involved with WinterSea?

If you are interested in participating in the magic of WinterSea Theatre Experiment, you can contact Lisa Reilich, Director, at [email protected] to find out what current projects and creations are happening.